Maintenance Services

Landscape maintenance is an investment in the timeless beauty of your outdoor space. It ensures that your surroundings remain a source of tranquillity, regardless of the changing seasons.

A well-maintained landscape provides a nurturing environment for a diverse range of plants and potentially local wildlife. This contributes to the biodiversity of your outdoor space, fostering a balanced and thriving ecosystem.

Promoting Plant Longevity

Regular landscape maintenance is crucial for promoting the longevity of plants, ensuring they thrive year-round. Pruning plays a pivotal role in shaping the overall health of the landscape.

By consistently removing dead or diseased branches, as well as spent flowers, plants are encouraged to channel their energy into new growth. This not only enhances the visual appeal of the garden but also fosters a healthier environment by improving air circulation and reducing the risk of pests and diseases.

Additionally, selective pruning helps maintain the structural integrity of plants, preventing overcrowding and ensuring that each specimen receives adequate sunlight and nutrients.

Supporting Natural Cycles

Engaging in maintenance practices like seasonal cleanup and mulching aligns with the natural cycles of your landscape. Seasonal cleanup, involving the removal of debris and spent vegetation, respects the natural rhythms of growth and renewal. This allows for a clean slate in each season, promoting the health of the environment.

Mulching, a vital maintenance activity, contributes to soil health and vitality. Applied around plant bases, mulch serves as a protective layer, regulating soil temperature and moisture. It fosters a conducive environment for plant roots, suppresses weed growth, and enhances soil structure. These practices not only synchronize with the natural cycles of the environment but also play a key role in maintaining a resilient and balanced ecosystem.

Preserving Outdoor Enjoyment

Maintenance ensures that your outdoor space remains a haven for relaxation and enjoyment. Tending to your landscape preserves its functionality, providing a space where you can unwind, connect with nature, and appreciate the timeless beauty of a well-cared-for environment.

Fostering Environmental Sustainability

Beyond the visual appeal, maintenance plays a role in environmental stewardship. Proper pruning, mulching, and water management practices contribute to a sustainable landscape, aligning with broader goals of ecological preservation.

Preserving Structural Integrity

Hardscape elements, integral to your landscape’s design, require attention to maintain their structural integrity. Timely inspection and repairs not only prevent minor issues from escalating but also contribute to the longevity of pathways, walls, and other features.

The foundation of a thriving landscape lies in consistent maintenance—pruning, fertilizing, and pest control contribute to plant longevity and visual allure.

Maintenance Overview

Seasonal Clean-Up

Seasonal clean-up involves the systematic removal of debris, fallen leaves, and any accumulated detritus from the landscape. It includes pruning dead branches, cutting back spent perennials, and preparing the outdoor space for the upcoming season.

This process not only contributes to the visual cleanliness of the landscape but also promotes plant health by reducing the risk of diseases and pests. It sets the stage for a fresh start, ensuring that the landscape is ready to flourish as the seasons change.

Lawn Care

Lawn care encompasses a range of practices, including mowing, edging, aeration, and overseeding. Regular mowing maintains the turf at an optimal height, while aeration promotes soil health and facilitates nutrient absorption. Overseeding helps replenish grass varieties for a lush and resilient lawn.

Proper lawn care enhances the visual appeal of the landscape, providing a vibrant green carpet. Additionally, it contributes to the health of the grass, preventing issues like thatch buildup and promoting a robust and resilient turf.

Plant Care

Plant care involves a variety of activities such as pruning, shaping, and monitoring for pests and diseases. It also includes providing necessary nutrients through fertilization, ensuring proper mulching, and addressing any specific needs of individual plant species.

Regular plant care is essential for maintaining the health and vitality of the landscape. Pruning encourages proper growth, disease prevention measures protect against infestations, and fertilization provides the necessary nutrients for robust plant development.

Irrigation System Maintenance

Irrigation system maintenance includes inspecting and adjusting sprinklers, checking for leaks, and ensuring that the system is operating efficiently. This also involves programming the system based on seasonal water requirements.

A well-maintained irrigation system ensures that plants receive adequate and timely water, promoting their health and reducing water waste. Regular checks prevent waterlogged or dry areas and contribute to sustainable water usage.


Fertilization involves the application of nutrients to the soil to promote plant growth. The type and timing of fertilization depend on the specific needs of plants and soil conditions.

Proper fertilization supports healthy plant development, encouraging robust growth, vibrant foliage, and prolific blooms. It addresses nutrient deficiencies in the soil, ensuring that plants have the resources they need to thrive.

Seasonal Planting and Bed Maintenance

Seasonal planting involves introducing new plants or refreshing existing ones to align with the changing seasons. Bed maintenance includes weeding, adding fresh mulch, and shaping the landscape for aesthetic appeal.

Seasonal planting and bed maintenance contribute to the dynamic beauty of the landscape, ensuring that it evolves and remains visually engaging throughout the year.

Fresh mulch helps retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate temperature.

Leaf Removal

Leaf removal entails clearing fallen leaves from the landscape, preventing them from smothering grass, blocking sunlight, and creating breeding grounds for pests and diseases.

Timely leaf removal is crucial for maintaining a healthy lawn and plant beds. It prevents issues like mold and fungus growth, preserves the aesthetic cleanliness of the landscape, and contributes to overall plant health.

Hardscape Maintenance Including Pressure Washing

Hardscape maintenance involves inspecting and cleaning non-living elements such as pathways, walls, and structures. Pressure washing is a technique used to remove dirt, algae, and stains from surfaces.

Regular hardscape maintenance not only preserves the aesthetic appeal of these elements but also ensures their structural integrity.

Pressure washing removes built-up grime, preventing slippery surfaces and enhancing the overall cleanliness of the landscape.

Why Choose Us

  • Expertise in Diverse Landscaping Styles

    With a wealth of experience, we bring expertise in various landscaping styles, from contemporary designs to more traditional and ecological approaches, ensuring that your vision is expertly realized.

  • Comprehensive Maintenance Services

    Our services extend beyond design to encompass comprehensive maintenance. From seasonal clean-ups to irrigation system optimization, we are committed to the long-term health and beauty of your landscape.

  • Proactive Plant Health Care

    Our expertise in plant care goes beyond aesthetics. We implement proactive measures to ensure the health and longevity of your plantings, addressing issues before they escalate and promoting thriving landscapes.

  • Transparent Communication and Collaboration

    Communication is at the core of our process. We keep you informed at every stage, encouraging collaboration to ensure that your expectations are not only met but exceeded throughout the entire project.

  • Dedication to Long-Term Landscape Health

    We don’t just create beautiful landscapes; we are committed to their long-term health. Our strategies promote sustainability, ensuring that your outdoor space remains vibrant, resilient, and a source of joy for years to come.

  • Commitment to Sustainability

    Embracing eco-friendly practices, we prioritize sustainability in our designs and maintenance services. From water-efficient irrigation systems to native plant selections, we are dedicated to minimizing environmental impact.


The frequency of maintenance depends on factors like the size of your landscape, the types of plants, and the specific needs of your outdoor space. Generally, a seasonal schedule, including spring and fall clean-ups, is recommended.

Landscape maintenance involves a range of activities such as pruning, mowing, fertilization, pest control, irrigation system checks, and general upkeep to ensure the health and aesthetics of the outdoor space.

Seasonal clean-ups remove debris, fallen leaves, and prepare your landscape for the upcoming season. This process promotes plant health, reduces the risk of diseases, and enhances the overall appearance of the outdoor space.

Regular pruning removes dead or overgrown branches, promoting healthy growth, shaping plants, and preventing disease. It enhances the aesthetic appeal of plants while ensuring their longevity.

Fertilization provides essential nutrients to the soil, supporting plant growth and vitality. It addresses nutrient deficiencies and contributes to the overall health and vibrancy of your landscape.

Signs of an irrigation issue include uneven watering, dry or waterlogged areas, and high water bills. Regular checks and adjustments, such as fixing leaks or optimizing sprinkler heads, ensure efficient water use.

Yes, proactive pest control measures, including regular inspections and treatments, are part of landscape maintenance. Addressing pest issues early helps prevent widespread infestations and minimizes potential plant damage.

Timely leaf removal prevents issues like mold and fungus growth, ensuring a healthy lawn and plant beds. It also maintains the aesthetic cleanliness of the landscape.

Pressure washing removes dirt, algae, and stains from hardscape surfaces, preserving their appearance and structural integrity. It’s particularly essential for preventing slippery surfaces and enhancing overall cleanliness.


We worked with Ben for several months on our complex garden landscaping project.

Ben did an amazing job and we are very happy with the end result.

Ben listened to our ideas, understood our architectural plans, and suggested his own creative contributions, many of which we took on board.

Ben has great attention to detail and ensured that the job was finished to our satisfaction. He communicated well, kept the project well on track and kept us up to date with work schedules for all the individual components. We found him to be super reliable and dependable.

Ben is also a really nice guy to work with and we have already recommended him to friends.

We would have no hesitation in recommending him and would happily engage Ben to work with us on future projects.

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