Outdoor Plumbing

Outdoor plumbing brings the convenience of water access to various areas, facilitating tasks such as watering plants, cleaning outdoor spaces, and filling up pools or water features without relying on indoor sources.

Efficient Landscape Maintenance

Integrated outdoor plumbing systems simplify landscape maintenance by allowing for the installation of irrigation systems. Customized watering solutions ensure that gardens, lawns, and plants receive the right amount of water, promoting healthy growth.

Versatile Outdoor Fixtures

With outdoor plumbing, you can install versatile fixtures such as sinks, faucets, and showers in outdoor kitchens, bars, or recreational spaces. This adds functionality to outdoor areas, making them suitable for cooking, cleaning, and entertainment.

Pool and Spa Connectivity

Outdoor plumbing is essential for pools and spas, providing the necessary water supply and drainage. This ensures proper filling, circulation, and maintenance of water features, contributing to a seamless and enjoyable outdoor leisure experience.

Enhanced Entertainment Spaces

Outdoor plumbing enables the creation of well-equipped entertainment spaces. From bar sinks for outdoor bars to outdoor showers near swimming pools, these additions enhance the overall experience of outdoor gatherings and events.

Water Conservation

Incorporating efficient outdoor plumbing systems, including drip irrigation and smart watering solutions, contributes to water conservation. This not only aligns with sustainable practices but also reduces water wastage in outdoor spaces.

Year-Round Usability

Outdoor plumbing allows for year-round usability of outdoor spaces. Whether it’s watering plants in the spring, cooling off with an outdoor shower in the summer, or winterizing outdoor fixtures in colder months, a well-designed outdoor plumbing system ensures functionality throughout the seasons.

Increased Property Value

Homes with well-designed outdoor plumbing systems often experience an increase in property value. Potential buyers appreciate the added convenience and amenities, making the property more attractive in the real estate market.

Outdoor plumbing is the backbone of a well-designed outdoor living space, seamlessly blending convenience with functionality. From the reliability of outdoor faucets to the luxury of outdoor showers and the intricate plumbing of water features, it transforms your exterior into a haven of comfort, ensuring a harmonious connection between your indoor and outdoor environments.

Overview of Outdoor Plumbing

Outdoor Faucets

Outdoor faucets, also known as hose bibs, play a crucial role in outdoor plumbing. They provide a convenient water source for various tasks, including watering plants, washing outdoor furniture, and filling up containers. Frost-proof outdoor faucets are designed to withstand colder temperatures, ensuring year-round functionality.

Outdoor Showers

Outdoor showers bring the luxury of bathing into the open air. Whether rinsing off after a swim, cleaning up after gardening, or simply enjoying an alfresco shower, outdoor showers contribute to a refreshing and invigorating outdoor experience. Hot and cold water options enhance comfort and usability.

Outdoor Kitchen Plumbing

Outdoor kitchen plumbing transforms your outdoor cooking and dining space into a fully functional extension of your home. It includes the installation of sinks, faucets, and drainage systems, allowing for convenient food preparation, cooking, and cleaning. Plumbing for outdoor kitchens enhances the overall efficiency of these spaces, making them suitable for elaborate culinary endeavours.

Water Feature Plumbing

Water feature plumbing is essential for the installation and maintenance of outdoor water features such as fountains, ponds, and waterfalls. It involves the proper circulation, filtration, and drainage systems to ensure the longevity and functionality of these aesthetic elements. Well-designed water feature plumbing contributes to the visual and auditory appeal of your outdoor space.

Hot Tubs/Spas

Hot tubs and spas require specialized plumbing to ensure proper water circulation, temperature control, and filtration. Outdoor plumbing for hot tubs integrates with the overall design, providing a relaxing and therapeutic addition to your outdoor oasis. It also includes drainage systems for routine maintenance.

Weatherproof Materials

Outdoor plumbing requires the use of weatherproof and durable materials to withstand the elements. Corrosion-resistant pipes, outdoor-rated fixtures, and insulated components are essential to ensure the longevity and functionality of outdoor plumbing elements, especially in varying weather conditions.

Why Choose Us

  • Expertise in Outdoor Plumbing

    Our experienced team understands the unique requirements of outdoor plumbing, ensuring that every element is designed, installed, and maintained with precision.

  • Comprehensive Outdoor Plumbing Services

    We offer comprehensive outdoor plumbing services, covering a range of elements from outdoor faucets and showers to complex irrigation systems, ensuring that all your outdoor plumbing needs are met under one roof.

  • Use of Durable and Weather-Resistant Materials

    Choose us for outdoor plumbing that stands the test of time. We prioritize the use of durable, weather-resistant materials to ensure that your outdoor plumbing elements withstand the elements, providing longevity and reliability.

  • Safety-First Approach

    Your safety is our priority. We adhere to strict safety standards in all our outdoor plumbing installations, including backflow prevention measures and proper drainage solutions, ensuring the health and safety of your outdoor water sources.

  • Transparent and Honest Communication

    We keep you informed throughout the entire process, from the initial design stages to the completion of the installation, ensuring that you are aware of every aspect of your outdoor plumbing project.

  • Incorporation of Smart Plumbing Technology

    Embrace the future with our services, which include the integration of smart plumbing technology. Monitor and control your outdoor plumbing remotely, with features such as smart irrigation controllers and leak detection systems, enhancing efficiency and control.


Outdoor plumbing accommodates fixtures like outdoor faucets, showers, outdoor kitchens, water features, irrigation systems, hot tubs, and pools.

Yes, outdoor plumbing can be designed to provide both hot and cold water, facilitating comfortable outdoor showers, hot tubs, and outdoor kitchen activities.

Outdoor plumbing materials include weather-resistant and durable options such as copper, PVC, and PEX pipes, ensuring longevity and resistance to outdoor elements.

Backflow prevention devices are installed to ensure that contaminated water does not flow back into the clean water supply, safeguarding the potable water and preventing health risks.

Yes, outdoor plumbing can incorporate smart technology, allowing remote control and monitoring of irrigation systems, outdoor faucets, and other features for enhanced efficiency and conservation.

The lifespan varies depending on materials and maintenance. Well-maintained fixtures can last for many years, with materials like copper known for their durability.

Yes, outdoor plumbing can often be retrofitted to existing properties, allowing the addition of outdoor fixtures and features with careful planning and installation.


We worked with Ben for several months on our complex garden landscaping project.

Ben did an amazing job and we are very happy with the end result.

Ben listened to our ideas, understood our architectural plans, and suggested his own creative contributions, many of which we took on board.

Ben has great attention to detail and ensured that the job was finished to our satisfaction. He communicated well, kept the project well on track and kept us up to date with work schedules for all the individual components. We found him to be super reliable and dependable.

Ben is also a really nice guy to work with and we have already recommended him to friends.

We would have no hesitation in recommending him and would happily engage Ben to work with us on future projects.

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